昨日は皆さん大切な方からチョコレートはもらいましたか!? この花火は下呂温泉からのプレゼントになります。
Gero Onsen Fireworks Story will be held every Saturday starting in January. Amidst the still light snow that remains in the landscape, today white-based fireworks will be launched as part of the Valentine’s Day Fireworks.
Did you receive any chocolates from your loved ones yesterday!? These fireworks are a gift from Gero Onsen.

望川館の日本庭園からもご覧頂けます。もちろん一部の客室からも♪ The fireworks will be launched from 8:30 p.m. and will last for about 10 minutes. They can be seen from the Japanese garden of the Bosenkan building. Of course, they can also be seen from some of the guest rooms.
外でご覧になる場合は、寒いので温かい恰好でご覧下さい。ご覧頂いた後は温かい温泉でぬくとまって下さい(温まって下さい) The video shows the view from Gero Ohashi Bridge. If you are watching outside, please dress warmly as it is cold. After watching, please take a dip in a hot spring (please warm yourself up).
□ 下呂温泉 望川館(Gero onsen Bosenkan)
■ TEL:0576-25-2048/FAX0576-25-2390
□ Mail:bclip@bosenkan.co.jp