急な雪にご注意!!【Be careful of sudden snow!!】
Gero Onsen has been covered with about 10cm of snow since this morning.

I was surprised this morning!!
Even though it didn’t snow enough to shovel even once this year, it piled up in March, which is out of season…
There were some customers using normal tires, and there seemed to be some anxiety along the way, but the rain turned to rain halfway through the journey, and by evening the roads were clear.
There is a risk of freezing in the morning, evening, and after dark, but I don’t think there will be any problems during the day.

□ 下呂温泉 望川館(Gero onsen Bosenkan)
■ TEL:0576-25-2048/FAX0576-25-2390
□ Mail:bclip@bosenkan.co.jp