【絵日記⑬】町総出の輸水の掃除 Cleaning the water supply

当時は川にうなぎや亀とかたくさんいたんですね~♪ それは子供たちも気合が入るイベントになりますね♪
I closed the floodgates at Atano Valley, stopped the water, and cleaned the water.
At that time, there were a lot of eels and turtles in the river~♪ It would be an exciting event for the children too♪
Nowadays, the trend is to not go near the river because it is dangerous!
I wish my parents could take me there… but I feel like I want my kids today to experience the old days.
□ 下呂温泉 望川館(Gero onsen Bosenkan)
■ TEL:0576-25-2048/FAX0576-25-2390
□ Mail:bclip@bosenkan.co.jp