温泉寺ライトアップ/Onsenji Temple Illumination
It’s starting again this year. Onsenji Temple Illumination♪
This year, it will be held for a long period from November 8th (Fri) to November 21st (Sun)!!

期間:令和6年11月8日(金)~11月24日(日)/Period: Friday, November 8th, 2024 to Sunday, November 24th
ライトアップ:日没から21時まで/llumination: From sunset until 9pm
拝観時間:8時〜21時まで/Visiting hours: 8am – 9pm

入場料はお賽銭!!/The entrance fee is an offering!!
是非この機会に紅葉とお寺の和のコラボをお楽しみ下さい。 Please take this opportunity to enjoy the Japanese combination of autumn leaves and temples.
□ 下呂温泉 望川館(Gero onsen Bosenkan)
■ TEL:0576-25-2048/FAX0576-25-2390
□ Mail:bclip@bosenkan.co.jp